作者/Author(s): Maria Shagina 

網站來源/Source: Foreign Policy 

日期/Date: November 9, 2023 



  • 從未實施制裁的國家轉移關鍵進口物資 
  • 隱瞞海關數據 
  • 將民用產品轉給軍工產業 

  • G7國家加強對本國公司的金融控管,這是最容易也最準確管理的辦法。 
  • 全新國際夥伴關係「出口執法五國」(Export Enforcement Five)負責指定指導方針,協調出口管制執法,防止重要貨物從第三國轉運。同時,他們也要求銀行加強對交易的監控和調查。目前,新政策已經生效。 
  • 除了要求私營部門做出更多貢獻以外,政府機構也需要制定更強大的協調策略,了解整個供應鏈,找出規避策略 
  • 西方國家可以通過改善其商用公共登記狀態,在聯盟之間共享數據,協調各國間的實益擁有權法規,以解決問題 
  • 西方必須對任何與俄羅斯或白俄羅斯軍工複合體密切合作的公司實施全面限制 
Despite export controls, Russia produced new weapons filled with technological parts from the US and Europe, putting the effectiveness of Western sanctions in doubt. One of the goals of Western export control is to impose higher costs on the Russian military-industrial complex, but its enforcement has been lagging. Russia bypassed the restrictions with several strategies: 
  • Rerouting critical imports from non-sanctioning countries 
  • Concealing customs data 
  • Redirecting items from civilian proxies to military firms. 
Since the sanctions now encompass a broad range of industrial and consumer items Russia can repurpose for military use, the exports became more complicated to track. 

How does the West improvise? 
  • The G-7 countries have increased financial monitoring of their companies as it is easier and more accurate. 
  • A new international partnership called the Export Enforcement Five devised guidance to coordinate export control enforcement and prevent the redirection of critical goods from third countries. They also require banks to enhance their effort in monitoring and investigating transactions. Currently, the new policies are effective. 
More to be Done 
  • Apart from asking the private sector to contribute more, government agencies need better coordination tactics to understand the whole supply chain and pinpoint evasion tactics. 
  • Western countries can tackle the issue of beneficial ownership by improving their state of public registries, sharing the data across coalition members, and harmonizing beneficial ownership regulations. 
  • The West must impose comprehensive restrictions on any company, even civilian ones that work closely with Russian and Belarussian military complexes.