作者/Author(s): Michael Schuman
網站來源/Source: The Atlantic
日期/Date: September 25, 2023
關鍵字/Keywords: Sovereignty, Ukrainian Crisis
- 習近平的「全球安全倡議」設想建立一個非美國主導、以規則為基礎的世界秩序,優先考慮國家主權和自治,不受外部意識形態的干擾。2022 年烏克蘭危機爆發後不久,習近平提出了「全球安全倡議」,但隨著中國與俄羅斯的關係日益密切,中國在主權問題上的立場受到了質疑。
- 中國申明其尊重其他國家的主權,但領導人必須互相平等尊重。然而,中國國界和主權的劃分是根據中共的權威。中國也禁止美國質疑中國的內部事務,並拒絕西方所堅持的「普世價值觀」。
- 習近平的理想吸引著專制國家,以及那些還在從西方殖民主義有害遺產中緩慢復甦的發展中國家。
- 然而,隨著習近平國際影響力的擴大,指責中國干涉他國事務、習與普丁的密切關係與其意識形態架構相互相矛盾,這使習近平處於一個十字路口:站在普丁一邊還是站在烏克蘭主權一邊。
- 中國在烏克蘭危機中所持態度矛盾。雖然中國承認烏克蘭的主權重要性,但其聲稱普丁的安全問題是合法的,並間接地支持俄羅斯。
- 習近平針對俄烏衝突提出的和平計劃在主權問題態度也是模稜兩可。該建議主張維護所有國家的主權、獨立和領土完整,但沒有具體提及烏克蘭。
- 中國領導人認為俄羅斯對前蘇聯領土的主張與中國對清朝領土的野心相似。因此,如果野心強烈或帶有民族主義色彩,主權就是一個危險的概念。
- 中國矛盾的立場可能會損壞其在西方或民主國家中的全球信譽。另一方面,全球南方國家對習近平的主權原則並不感興趣,但認為「全球安全倡議」是對抗西方的有效平衡,是在國際事務中擁有更大影響力的機會。
Xi's Global Security Initiative envisioned a non-US-led rule-based world order prioritizing national sovereignty and self-governance without outside ideological interference. Xi introduced the GSI shortly after the Ukrainian Crisis broke out in 2022, but China's position on sovereignty was questioned as it grew closer to Russia.
- China affirms its commitment to respecting the sovereignty of other countries, but leaders must also reciprocate it. However, the delineation of Chinese national borders and sovereignty is according to CCP's authority. China also forbids the US from questioning China's internal affairs and rejects the notion of "universal values" the West upholds.
- Xi's ideals attract autocrats and developing countries recovering from Western colonialism's detrimental legacy.
- However, as Xi expands his international influence, the accusation of China's foreign interference and close relationship with Putin contradict his ideological framework, putting Xi at a crossroads: siding with Putin or standing for Ukraine's sovereignty.
- China was ambivalent in the Ukrainian Crisis. While acknowledging the importance of Ukraine's sovereignty, China asserted Putin's security concerns were rightful and have aided Russia indirectly.
- Xi's peace plan for the Ukrainian conflict is also ambiguous regarding sovereignty. The proposal asserts upholding sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of all countries but fails to mention Ukraine specifically.
- Chinese leaders view Russia's assertion on the former Soviet Union territories as akin to their aspirations: territories under the Qing dynasty. Therefore, sovereignty is a dangerous concept if aggressive or nationalist wishes for it.
- China's contradictory stance may damage its global credibility among Western or democratic countries. On the other hand, the global South countries are uninterested in Xi's sovereignty principles, but saw the GSI as an effective counterbalance against the West and an opportunity to have a greater influence in international matters.