 Pew Research Center: 習近平時代下全球對中輿論的轉變趨勢 


作者/Author(s): Laura Silver, Christine Huang, and Laura Clancy 

原文來源/Source: Pew Research Center 皮尤研究中心 

日期/Date: 09/28/2022 

主題/Key Topics : National Image, Perception of China



自 2017 年以來,中國的國家形象逐漸不利(尤其是民主國家),此種情況更在 COVID-19 大流行爆發後惡化。中國的影響力上升、人權、經濟、疫情應對和人民是此種負面形象的主要驅動因素。以下是該報告的主要內容
  • 美國(82%)及其主要盟友:日本(87%)、澳大利亞(86%)、大韓民國(80%)和加拿大(74%)對中國的負面看法很高
  • 大多數歐洲國家對中國持負面看法,尤其是瑞典(83%)、尼德蘭(75%)、德國(74%)、英國(69%)和法國(68%)。同時也在七個國家(尼德蘭、德國、西班牙、波蘭、匈牙利和希臘)中創下歷史新高
  • 有三個國家對中國的看法並不負面。以色列(46%)、馬來西亞(39%)和新加坡(34%)。 
  • 北美、歐洲和美國的主要戰略盟友(日本、澳大利亞、大韓民國和以色列)中,大多數國家對習近平在全球事務中的行動沒有太大信心。瑞典、法國、日本和澳大利亞對習近平的不信任度很高(均超過 50%)。只有馬來西亞和新加坡對習近平有信心
  •  大多數受訪者(66%)認為中國的實力和影響力正在增強 
  • 大多數國家都將中國視為威脅,尤其是美國、澳大利亞、日本和大韓民國 
  • 72%的受訪者認為中國軍事實力的擴大是一個重大問題,37%的人認為這是一個嚴重的問題。在日本和澳大利亞是最高的(大約 60%),而新加坡、希臘和以色列認為這不是一個嚴重的問題 
  • 在 2021 年的調查中,大多數受訪者認為中國不尊重公民的自由,這一比例自 2018 年以來一直居高不下
  • 中國的人權政策是大多數歐洲國家和加拿大最關心的問題。儘管這不是澳大利亞、大韓民國和日本最關心的問題,但受訪者也認為中國的人權政策存在很大問題。 
  • 當被要求在「優先考慮與中國的經濟關係而非人權」或「在損害經濟的情況下促進中國人權」之間做出選擇時,大多數國家選擇了後者,但匈牙利、以色列、馬來西亞、新加坡和大韓民國除外。 
  • 來自大韓民國、日本、美國和澳大利亞中,約有 80% 的受訪者高度關注與中國的經濟競爭。大多數歐洲國家都認為與中國的經濟競爭是一個嚴重的問題 
  • 然而,較高度開發經濟體不同意中國的經濟增長對其國家不利 
  • 在 2021 年的一項調查中,除了數個國家,特別是加拿大、瑞典、日本、大韓民國和印度,大多數國家更傾向於與美國建立穩固的經濟聯繫 
  • 然而,在2020年的調查中,中國在加拿大、歐洲和澳大利亞被認為是世界上最主要的經濟力量。 
  • 當COVID-19大流行爆發時,對中國的負面看法顯著增加,對習近平的信心急劇下降。 
  • 在2020年的一項調查中,除義大利外,大多數國家都認為中國沒有妥善地面對疫情。
  • 來自美國和澳大利亞的受訪者也指責中國是 COVID-19 的起源地,而且其並沒有及時遏制疫情擴散
  • 然而,除了美國之外,越來越多的國家對中國抗擊疫情的努力表示讚賞 
  • 儘管對北京政府和經濟持負面看法,但大多數受訪者並沒有對中國人懷恨在心,甚至對他們表示讚賞 
  • 然而美國和澳大利亞的觀點對中國學生的同情較少,因為大多數受訪者認為中國學生是競爭對手或敵人 
China’s national image is generally unfavorable since 2017, especially among democratic countries, and worsened after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. China’s rising influence, human rights, economy, handling of the pandemic, and people are the main drivers of the negative image. The following are the key takeaways of the report. 

Overall image of China and Xi Jinping in 2022 
  • Negative view of China is high among the US (82%) and its key allies: Japan (87%), Australia (86%), South Korea (80%), and Canada (74%). 
  • Most European countries negatively view China, especially Sweden (83%), the Netherlands (75%), Germany (74%), the UK (69%), and France (68%). It is a record high in seven countries (The Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Poland, Hungary, and Greece). 
  • Three countries do not view China negatively: Israel (46%), Malaysia (39%), and Singapore (34%). 
  • Most countries in North America, Europe, and key US strategic allies (Japan, Australia, South Korea, and Israel) do not have much confidence in Xi Jinping’s actions in global affairs. Sweden, France, Japan, and Australia, have high no-confidence in Xi (all over 50%). Only Malaysia and Singapore have confidence in Xi. 
China’s influence, global threat, and military 
  • Most respondents (66%) think China’s power and influence are getting stronger. 
  • Most countries perceive China as a threat, especially the US, Australia, Japan, and South Korea. 
  • 72% of the respondents perceive China’s enlarged military power as a significant problem, with 37% thinking it is a severe problem. It is the highest in Japan and Australia (around 60%), while Singapore, Greece, and Israel do not think it is a significant problem. 
Human Rights 
  • In the 2021 survey, most respondents think China does not respect its citizen’s freedom, which has been high since 2018. 
  • China’s policies on human rights are the most severe concern for most European countries and Canada. Although it is not the top concern for Australia, South Korea, and Japan, respondents also regard China’s human rights policies as highly problematic. 
  • When asked to choose between prioritizing economic relations with China over human rights or promoting human rights in China despite harming the economy, most countries chose the latter, except Hungary, Israel, Malaysia, Singapore, and South Korea. 
  • About 80% of respondents from South Korea, Japan, the US, and Australia are highly concerned about the economic competition with China. Most European countries agreed that economic competition with China is a serious problem. 
  • However, advanced economies disagreed that China’s economic growth was bad for their countries. 
  • In a 2021 survey, most countries favor solid economic ties with the US over China, except for three countries, particularly Canada, Sweden, Japan, South Korea, and India. 
  • Yet, in a 2020 survey, China is considered the world’s dominant economic power in Canada, Europe, and Australia. 
  • When the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, the negative perception of China increased significantly, and confidence in Xi Jinping decreased drastically. 
  • In a 2020 survey, most countries, except for Italy, think China did not handle the pandemic well.
  • Respondents in the US and Australia also blamed China as the origin of COVID-19 and did not contain it timely. 
  • However, more countries gradually appreciate China’s effort in dealing with the pandemic, except for the US.
  • Despite perceiving the Beijing government and economy negatively, most respondents did not hold a grudge against its people and even praised them. 
  • However, in the US and Australia, there is less sympathy for Chinese students as most respondents think Chinese students are competitors or enemies.