PS: 即將到來的台灣危機

作者/Author(s): Minxin Pei
原文來源/Source: Project Syndicate
日期/Date: August 2, 2022.
主題/Key Topics: Grand Strategy
- 在國民黨執政時期,中國雖對兩岸局勢不滿,但還可以容忍。因此,中國推動了台灣的和平統一。
- 2016年民進黨上台時,蔡英文拒絕了「九二共識」,因此阻斷了中國的戰略。
- 當民進黨不費吹灰之力贏得2020年大選,蔡英文政府成功連任時,中共和平統一的目標變得遙不可及。
- 自川普執政以來,美國加強了與台灣的政府間互動,重新定義了「一個中國」政策,增加了對台灣的承諾,並為台灣提供了更多武器。拜登甚至承諾,如果中國入侵,將在軍事上援助台灣。
- 烏克蘭戰爭強化了台灣的國際地位,因為奉行威權主義的中共直接威脅到了台灣。隨後,美國及其盟友對台灣表現出更多的支持,中國認為這是一種羞辱和挑釁。
- 如果中國不果斷報復,習近平可能會失去台灣統一的機會和國內信譽。
- 目前,中國很可能無意入侵台灣,而是在台灣海峽試探美國的膽量。攤牌的方式和時間是變幻莫測的,但這將是危險的。
- During KMT’s rule, China was dissatisfied with the cross-strait situation, but it was tolerable. Hence, China pushed for a peaceful Taiwan reunification.
- When DPP came to power in 2016, Tsai Ing-Wen rejected the 1992 Consensus, annulling China’s strategy.
- CCP’s goal for peaceful reunification became unattainable when DPP effortlessly won the 2020 general elections and Tsai got a second term.
- The US has increased intergovernmental interaction with Taiwan, redefined its “One-China” policy, increased commitments to Taiwan, and provided more arms to Taiwan since Trump’s administration. Biden even promised to aid Taiwan militarily if China invaded.
- The Ukrainian War fortified Taiwan’s international status since the authoritarian CCP directly threatened it. Subsequently, the US and its allies show more support to Taiwan, which China sees as a humiliation and provocation.
- Xi may lose his chance for Taiwan reunification and domestic credibility if China does not retaliate resolutely.
- Currently, China most probably does not intend to invade Taiwan but is testing the US’s mettle in Taiwan Strait. How and when the showdown will occur is unpredictable, but it will be hazardous.