
作者/Author(s): Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian
原文來源/Source: Axios
日期/Date: 06/28/2022
主題/Key Topics: Defense
Although Taiwan is threatened with a possible forced reunification with PRC, its military hardware and strategies are obsolete in the face of the current threat. Current Taiwanese military leaders still have an outdated, offensive mindset of retaking the mainland rather than a defensive mindset focused on the survival of Taiwan within current borders, demonstrated by the purchase of weaponry required to launch amphibious operations. Instead, Taiwan should purchase defensive weapons that can cripple PLA's air force, navy, and cyberattacks. Taiwan's military organization faces a lack of security studies experts when formulating defense policies, distrust among politicians and the public with the military, and constant scandals and corruption within its ranks. These problems led to a lack of information when devising defense policies, more constraints in military policies, and a lack of interest in military careers.