作者/Author(s): Elisabeth Braw 

網站來源/Source: Foreign Policy 

日期/Date: 01/03/2025 

關鍵字/Keywords: 能源、灰色地帶、俄羅斯、歐洲、海底電纜


最近,俄羅斯 (可能有獲得中國協助)  破壞了波羅的海的海底電纜和能源管道,可能威脅到歐洲的能源安全 

  • 自俄烏戰爭爆發以來,挪威已成為歐盟最大的天然氣供應國,也是英國最大的天然氣和原油供應國
  • 挪威之所以成為重要的能源生產國,是因為其能源生產方式更安全且更環保 
  • 然而,挪威的石油和天然氣開採平台依賴從本土通過海底電纜輸送的電力。因此,俄羅斯破壞海底電纜和管道的行為,直接威脅到了歐洲的能源安全。 
  • 俄羅斯毫不避諱讓眾人知道自己是肇事者。與俄羅斯及中國有聯繫的船隻已斷絕了好幾條波羅的海海底電纜 
  • 此外,俄羅斯還在民用船隻和研究船隻上裝備監視器,利用這些船隻在挪威海岸附近進行情報活動 
  • 俄羅斯之所以大膽,是因為根據《聯合國海洋法公約》,所有船隻只要不傷害沿岸國家,都可以自由航行。然而,各國只有在肇事船隻離開後,才會意識到電纜壞了。因此,俄羅斯或肇事者可以否認任何責任,輕鬆破壞歐洲能源供應線。
  • 挪威有幾個備用方案。它可以依賴現有的燃氣渦輪引擎,開發海上風力發電場,為其石油和天然氣開採平台供電。  
  • 挪威可以加強挪威皇家海軍、海岸警衛隊和民用船舶的協助,共同保護其海底電纜
Recently, Russia, perhaps assisted by China, sabotaged undersea electricity cables and energy pipelines in the Baltic Sea, which could endanger Europe's energy security.  
  • Since the Russo-Ukraine War began, Norway has become the EU's top natural gas supplier. Norway is also the largest gas and crude oil supplier for Great Britain. 
  • Norway has become a significant energy producer because it is safer and more environmentally friendly. 
  • However, Norway's oil and gas extraction platforms obtain electricity from the mainland through undersea electric cables. Therefore, Russia's sabotage of undersea cables and pipelines threatens Europe's energy security. 
  • Russia did not hesitate to reveal itself as the perpetrator. Russia and China-linked vessels had severed several undersea cables in the Baltic Sea. 
  • Furthermore, Russia equipped civilian and research ships with surveillance capabilities and conducted intelligence operations using these ships around the Norwegian coast. 
  • Russia is audacious because, under UNCLOS, all ships can sail wherever they like as long as they do not harm coastal states. However, countries will only realize cable sabotages after the preparator ship leaves. Therefore, Russia or the perpetrators could deny any responsibility while severing Europe's energy production. 
  • Norway had several backups. It could rely on existing gas turbines and develop offshore wind farms to supply electricity to its oil and gas extraction platforms.  
  • Norway could protect its electricity cables through increased patrol from the Royal Norwegian Navy and Coast Guard and assistance from its civilian ships.