
作者/Author(s): Calder Walton and Kevin Quinlan
網站來源/Source: Foreign Policy
日期/Date: 12/10/2024
關鍵字/Keywords: 經濟、供應鏈
- 各國基於不同的動機與方法,試著確保供應鏈安全。
- 美國放棄了自由經濟政策,希望透過強化本地產業,將供應鏈重整至友好國家,保護高科技製造業及取得關鍵材料。美國的做法是「整體政府手段」,需要各部門間密切合作。
- 中國則認為供應鏈安全是國家實力與安全的核心,採取「整體社會手段」來保護供應鏈,積極防範經濟脅迫。
- 情報操作人員可以利用供應鏈來瞭解對手正在採購的品項,對其進行破壞,以獲取情報或削弱對手實力。
- 冷戰期間,蘇聯利用緩和局勢滲透西方的供應鏈,獲取軍事和工業機密。然而,西方識破了蘇聯的行動,提供錯誤訊息或技術規格,積極反制。
- 在高度互賴與數位化的世界中,大國競爭變得更複雜和危險。惡意國家行為者可能通過網路空間進行間諜和破壞行動。
- 儘管國際法有各種行為有不同的定義,但是網路間諜與破壞行為之間的差異很小,網路間諜通常是被允許的。
- 此外,與蘇聯不同,中國已深度融入全球經濟,而其工業間諜活動在一定程度上促成了這一現象。
- 自習近平執政以來,中國透過所有可能的管道進行間諜行為,並利用整體社會來維護國家安全與技術進步。
- 北京政府甚至頒布新法,要求民營企業配合國家安全和情報機構的工作。
- 美國不會用間諜活動幫助企業獲利,因此處於劣勢。但是美國可能通過供應鏈進行破壞行動。
- 美國應將其私人企業視為國家資產,加強合作,積極提升供應鏈韌性及國家安全,才能在美中戰略競爭中取得優勢。
Intelligence agencies have used supply chains to conduct espionage or sabotage operations. As the US and China address supply chain challenges, it is crucial to understand their relations to national security.
- Countries had different motives and approaches to securing their supply chain.
- The US abandoned its liberal economic policies and hoped to protect its high-tech manufacturing and access to critical materials by empowering local industries and realigning its supply chains to friendly countries. The US's approach was a whole-of-government approach, requiring close inter-department coordination.
- China viewed supply chain security as essential to its national power and security, employing a whole-of-society approach to protect its supply chain and prevent economic coercion.
- Intelligence operators could use supply chains to understand what their adversaries were procuring and then sabotage them to gain information or undermine their adversaries.
- During the Cold War, the Soviet Union utilized the detente to infiltrate Western supply chains and obtain military and industrial secrets. However, the West saw through the Soviet Union and countered by providing incorrect information or technical specifications.
- Great power rivalry became more complicated and dangerous in a highly interdependent and digitalized world. Malignant state actors could conduct espionage and sabotage operations through cyberspace.
- Despite having different interpretations according to international law, the differences between cyber espionage and sabotage can be minuscule, in which the former is generally allowed.
- Furthermore, unlike the Soviet Union, China is deeply integrated into the global economy, to which its industrial espionage practices partially contributed.
- Since Xi Jinping took power, China has conducted espionage through all possible channels and utilized a whole-of-society approach for its national security and technology advancement.
- The Beijing government even enacted legislation requiring private firms to cooperate with state security and intelligence agencies.
- The US is disadvantaged because it does not conduct state-sponsored espionage to benefit its businesses. However, the US may conduct sabotage operations through supply chains.
- The US should treat its private firms as national assets and work with them to strengthen supply chain resilience and national security and prevail in its strategic rivalry with China.