作者/Author(s): Chris Miller
網站來源/Source: American Enterprise Institute
日期/Date: 12/23/2024
關鍵字/Keywords: 科技、中國、AI、晶片
- 華為是中國領先的AI晶片製造商,卻因缺乏先進晶片片製造工具,只能生產少量且低品質的AI晶片。
- 中國計劃擴大國內人工智慧能力,但受限於國內晶片製造能力,只得從西方國家進口降規版晶片。
- 中國 AI 晶片品質遠遠落後於美國。大約需要 5 顆華為最好的 AI 晶片才能媲美輝達最先進的晶片。
- 基於上述原因,中國的計算能力落後於美國,導致中國在短期內無法出口AI數據中心技術。
- 美國自 2018 年起對中國實施極紫外線(EUV)曝光機出口管制,是造成中國目前人工智慧能力受限的主要原因。此外,這也鞏固了美國在AI技術領域的領導地位。
- 雖然中國在許多技術硬體的生產方面處於領先地位,但在AI技術,尤其是AI晶片方面,仍是淨進口國。
- 中國一直無法採購到最先進的 AI 晶片和晶片製造設備,在AI 晶片製造方面很可能根本看不到西方競爭對手的車尾燈。
- 如果中國無法滿足其 AI 晶片需求,也無法獲得先進晶片製造設備,在短期內就無法出口頂級 AI 晶片。因此,只有西方企業才能在全球推出人工智慧基礎設施和數據中心。
Due to US technological export controls, China could not export any hardware used for artificial intelligence (AI).
- Huawei, China's leading AI chip producer, can only produce a limited number of low-quality AI chips due to a lack of advanced chipmaking tools.
- China plans to expand its domestic AI capabilities. However, due to limitations in its domestic chip manufacturing capacities, China needs to import downgraded chips from Western countries.
- The quality of Chinese AI chips is magnitudes behind that of US ones. It takes around 5 of Huawei's best AI chips to match Nvidia's most advanced chips.
- Due to the factors above, China's computing power lags behind the US. Therefore, China will not soon export AI data center technology.
- The US's export control of extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) lithography tools to China since 2018 has been the primary cause of China's current limitation of AI capabilities. Furthermore, it also maintains the US's leadership in AI technology.
- Although China leads the production of many technological hardware, it is a net importer of AI technology, especially AI chips.
- China will likely lag in AI chip manufacturing while its Western competitors forge ahead because it cannot procure the most advanced AI chips and chipmaking equipment.
- If China cannot satisfy its AI chip demands and access advanced chipmaking equipment, it will not soon be able to export top-class AI chips. Therefore, only Western firms could roll out AI infrastructure and data centers globally.