作者/Author(s): Elisabeth Braw
網站來源/Source: Foreign Policy
日期/Date: 10/10/2024
關鍵字/Keywords: 經濟、供應鏈、稀土
德國過去在稀土元素上嚴重依賴中國,但在經歷COVID-19 疫情後,德國對稀土元素供應鏈中斷感到不安。因此,他們逐步開始減少從中國進口稀土,重振本地的稀土加工和回收產業。
- 稀土元素是製造先進軍事平台的關鍵材料,因此稀土金屬與國家安全問題息息相關。
- 德國的稀土儲量有限,過去選擇從中國進口稀土,主要是因為當地加工成本高昂,且可能面臨居民和環境人士反彈。
- 西方國家已經感受到自身與中國供應鏈被切斷的痛苦。德國在中國禁止向瑞典出口石墨事件中,明白了過度依賴中國供應原材料的危險。
- 因此,德國設立了新的原物料基金,由國有發展和投資銀行負責管理,促進國內專攻稀土加工和回收的企業發展。希望這項基金能幫助德國企業在稀土產業中更具競爭力,推動部分自給自足。
- 然而,中國正試圖壟斷全球稀土業務。中國擁有全球最大的稀土儲量,並積極擴大對非洲和拉丁美洲的業務影響力。
- 德國認為中國對原材料的支配地位比其軍事轉型倡議「時代的轉折」 (Zeitenwende) 更為不利。
- 許多德國企業仍然相信全球化,並與中國保持業務往來,但他們對國家專業化和無邊界貿易的益處持悲觀態度。他們甚至支持政府在印太水域航行的行動,但這被中國視為一種挑釁手段。
- 德國的新倡議不僅減少了對中國的依賴,也可能為更有效的原材料回收鋪平道路。
Germany heavily relied on China for rare earth metals but felt discomfort after suffering from supply chain disruption from the COVID-19 pandemic. Consequently, Germany is beginning to decrease rare earth imports from China and rejuvenate local rare earth processing and recycling industries.
- Rare earth metals present a national security issue because they are necessary to build advanced military platforms.
- Germany has limited rare earth deposits and imported rare earths from China because processing them was costly and may face local opposition due to environmental concerns.
- Western countries already felt the pain of being cut off from the Chinese supply chain. Drawing lessons from Chinese graphite export prohibition to Sweden, Germany understood the dangers of overreliance on China for raw materials.
- Therefore, Germany launched a new raw material fund managed by a government-owned development and investment bank to grow local firms specializing in rare earth metals processing and recycling. It is hoped the fund will help German firms to be more competitive in the rare earth industry, driving partial self-sufficiency.
- Yet, China is trying to monopolize the global rare earth business. China has the largest rare earth reserves and is attempting to expand its influence over the business in Africa and Latin America.
- Germany identified China's dominance over raw materials as more detrimental than its military transformation initiative (Zeitenwende).
- Many German firms still believe in globalization and maintain business with China, but they are pessimistic about the benefits of countries' specialization and borderless trade. They even supported their government's action in sailing in Indo-Pacific waters, which is perceived as provocative by China.
- Germany's new initiative not only reduces dependence on China but may also pave the way for more effective raw materials recycling.