作者/Author(s): Kathrin Hille
網站來源/Source: Financial Times
日期/Date: 09/20/2024
關鍵字/Keywords: 無人機、科技、供應鏈
- 這項合作是美中之間戰略競爭和美國基於國家安全考量,推出「去風險化」政策的一部分,旨在為美國公司尋找非中國的供應商和合作夥伴。
- 這也突顯了在技術獨立崛起背景下,台灣科技產業在全球供應鏈仍佔有核心地位。
- 台灣官員表示,透過融入美國的供應鏈,台灣向全球出口國防產品的限制將得到減緩。雖然台灣的製造業規遠不及中國,但卻是全球主要的電子零件和精密儀器生產國之一。
- 2022年俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭一舉,促使台灣加速建立完整的本土無人機製造中心。私人公司史無前例地能向軍方銷售產品。軍民合作的加深也推動私人公司開發國產無人機零件。
- 然而,公司間的競爭導致部分潛力公司沒有爭取到政府合約,國產無人機供應鏈發展因而受阻。
- 台灣進入全球無人機供應鏈,有望促進本土產業的成長。
The governments and drone companies of Taiwan and the US government are deepening their cooperation to build a non-China supply chain.
- Their cooperation is part of the US "de-risking" initiative under its strategic rivalry with China and national security concerns. The key aim is to look for non-Chinese suppliers and partners for US companies.
- It also highlights the central role of Taiwan's technology sector in the global supply chain despite the rise of technological independence.
- Taiwanese officials said integration into US supply chains could alleviate Taiwan's limitations to exporting defense products globally. Although Taiwan's manufacturing industry is minuscule compared to China, it is one of the top electrical components and machine tools manufacturers.
- The 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine boosted Taiwan's pursuit of a complete and indigenous drone manufacturing hub. It allowed private companies to sell their products to the military, which was unprecedented. Closer private-military partnerships also drove private firms to develop indigenous drone components.
- However, competition among firms, causing some promising companies to lose out on government contracts, impeded the development of the indigenous drone supply chain.
- Therefore, Taiwan's entrance into the global drone supply chain could promote domestic industry's growth.