作者/Author(s): Elias X. Huber
網站來源/Source: Lawfare
日期/Date: 08/22/2024
關鍵字/Keywords: Technology, Export Control科技、出口管制、量子計算
- 美國的量子技術管制比歐洲慢,主要是因為政府部門間協調障礙,美國也怕技術管制反而會阻礙技術進步和全球競爭力。
- 法國和英國有具體的管制清單,但美國的措施相對廣泛,主要針對與量子科學和應用相關的產品。
- 美國的量子管制針對的不是特定零件,而是限制後端使用者,長遠來說可能會適得其反。
- 自 2021 年起,美國開始以國家安全為由制裁數家與量子技術相關的中國機構和公民,阻止他們進口、投資或進入美國。最新措施甚至防止美國的民用技術落入中國軍方手中,以應對中國政府積極推動軍民融合的作法。
- 除了國家安全考量外,這些做法也是為了確保美國的創新龍頭地位,最大程度地領先對手。
The US implemented new export control measures to deny Chinese firms from acquiring quantum computing technologies. Quantum technology is disruptive to the current innovation cycle but is in a premature stage compared to semiconductors and AI. Although technology controls may impede China's advancement in quantum technologies, the US may only keep its leadership in this area for less than ten years. A more effective way is to limit interactions and human capital movement to China. The US should reduce knowledge access asymmetries with China, especially when it's more open than China.
Quantum Controls
Quantum Controls
- The US quantum controls were slower compared to its European peers due to hindrances in interagency coordination and the possibility of holding back technological progress and global competitiveness.
- France and the United Kingdom have specific control lists, but the US measures are relatively broad, targeting products relevant to quantum science and applications.
- The US quantum controls target end users rather than specific components, which may backfire in the long term.
- The US already sanctioned several Chinese institutions related to quantum technology and citizens under national security grounds since 2021 to prevent them from importing, investing, or entering the US. The newest measures also prevent US civilian technologies from falling into the hands of the Chinese military, especially when the Chinese government is proactive in promoting civil-military fusion.
- Apart from national security, the controls are to ensure the US maintains its innovation leadership by having the largest possible lead over its rivals.