作者/Author(s): Adam Kozloski
網站來源/Source: Atlantic Council
日期/Date: 08/21/2024
關鍵字/Keywords: 軍事、武器、嚇阻中國
- 隨著中國威脅與日俱增,台灣的軍事後勤準備已成困境,不僅要面臨美國延遲交付武器,如何將採購的武器整合到軍隊中也是一大挑戰。美國和台灣必須解決這兩個問題,才能對北京的敵意發出可信的嚇阻訊號。
- 台灣通常會將整合武器系統時間表維持保密,防止洩漏重要資訊給對手。然而,台灣的基本基礎建設和人力具有一定程度的不確定性,沒有人知道台灣需要多久才能整合並吸收美國交付的武器。台灣沒有正式的軍事夥伴關係,因此不可能有雙邊或多邊的訓練計畫,而且當中國真的入侵台灣時,一切都已經太遲了。
- 美國和台灣應該採取以下措施,以減少武器交付和整合之間的時間差:
- 美國應深入了解並解決延誤的原因。
- 美國可以協助台灣採購武器,以期達到全面作戰能力狀態,同時要求盟友協助訓練台灣軍隊。
- 不管是義務役還是志願役,台灣必須確保有足夠的人力,以應對武器交付程序。
- 美國和台灣應優先考慮能夠快速整合的武器系統。對於不符合台灣當前需求、專業化和嚇阻要求的現代系統,則要謹慎選擇。
Taiwan is facing military preparedness issues amid heightened Chinese intimidation. Taiwan not only faces delays in weapons delivery from the US, but it may also have problems integrating its procurement into its forces. The US and Taiwan must resolve both issues to signal credible deterrence against Beijing's hostility.
- The US Department of Defense usually uses vague or subjective terms when defining integration time, but it must notify Congress regarding the capability of a recipient to assimilate its procurements.
- The US Department of Defense usually uses vague or subjective terms when defining integration time, but it must notify Congress regarding the capability of a recipient to assimilate its procurements.
- The US and China should do the following to reduce delays between weapons delivery and integration:
- The US should comprehend and resolve the factors of the delays.
- The US could help Taiwan achieve fully operational capability status for its procurements and ask allies to assist in training Taiwanese forces.
- Taiwan must ensure sufficient manpower, regardless of voluntary forces or conscripts, to meet the incoming weapons delivery.
- The US and Taiwan should prioritize capabilities that could be assimilated quickly. Modern systems that do not fit Taiwan's current needs, specialization, and deterrence requirements could be selected sparingly.