作者/Author(s): Tamar Jacoby
網站來源/Source: Foreign Policy
日期/Date: 07/06/2024
關鍵字/Keywords: 無人機戰爭
- 在俄烏危機之前,無人機製造商專注於開發農業與 IT 業用例。然而戰爭加速了烏克蘭的數位化運動,推動創新,才能跟上俄羅斯的技術進步。
- 烏克蘭政府賭上私營部門生產無人機。
- 烏克蘭政府簡化程序,縮短行政時間,並免除無人機零件的稅收和進口關稅。
- 甚至將國防利潤上限從每年3%提高到25%,允許公司進行研究和開發。
- 數位轉型部也為 IT 業者提供稅務減免,並補助願意為國防領域測試產品的公司。
- 在俄烏蘭危機初期,無人機多被用於偵察任務,但逐漸被改裝並攜帶炸藥。現在大多數前線單位都配備了監視無人機或自殺式無人機。
- 私人倡議在烏克蘭的無人機產業中也發揮了一定作用。烏克蘭人組織集資和捐款,為軍隊採購無人機。隨著烏克蘭國防部資金吃緊,無法更新國防合約,私營部門變得更加重要,在簽約時也更有彈性。
- 無人機製造商感嘆沒有合約、戒嚴之下無法出口產品,以及國有銀行不願貸款。
- 烏克蘭現今的困境和俄羅斯戰時生產的強大能力讓專家們擔心烏克蘭可能輸掉無人機戰爭。然而烏克蘭的無人機某種程度上已經能追上俄羅斯的無人機能力。
- 烏克蘭政府和無人機製造商正在考慮無人機產業的未來,以及放鬆管制在其他行業的應用。
Ukraine's drone industry is a product of private initiatives and government support. Although some firms did not receive direct financial assistance from the government, they benefited from the government's actions such as tax breaks, grants, technical support, and deregulation.
- Before the Ukrainian Crisis, drone manufacturers focus on the agriculture and IT sectors. Yet, the war hastened Ukraine's digitization campaign and pushed drone innovations to keep pace with Russia's technological advances.
- The government gambled on the private sector to produce drones.
- The government simplified procedures, shortened administrative timelines, and waived taxes and import duties on drone components.
- The government also increased the defense profit cap from 3 percent to 25 percent a year, allowing companies to undergo research and development.
- The Ministry of Digital Transformation also provides tax breaks for IT businesses and grants to companies that are willing to test their products for defense purposes.
- In the early phase of the Ukrainian Crisis, drones were used for reconnaissance missions, but gradually, they were modified to carry explosives. Now, most front-line units were equipped with surveillance drones or kamikaze drones.
- Private initiatives also played some role in Ukraine's drone industry. Ukrainians organized crowdfunding and donations to procure drones for the military. It became more important as Ukraine's defense ministry ran out of cash to renew defense contracts and became more selective in awarding contracts.
- Drone makers lamented the lack of contracts, the inability to export their products under martial law, and the reluctance of state-owned banks to lend.
- Under current predicaments and Russia's wartime production, experts worry that Ukraine is losing the drone war. However, Ukraine had matched some of Russia's drone capabilities.
- Yet, the Ukrainian government and drone makers are pondering the future of the drone industry and the application of deregulation in other sectors.