作者/Author(s): Joel Wuthnow
網站來源/Source: War on the Rocks
日期/Date: 06/24/2024
關鍵字/Keywords: 軍事
- 中國軍事學說長期以來主張摧毀對手系統和保護自身系統的能力,將決定高強度戰爭的結果。因此,建立一個能夠確保戰時有效通訊、防禦敵方網路和電子戰攻擊的資訊支援系統至關重要。
- 中國自2010 年便開始努力,在軍事教科書中概述,在黨代會上討論,在理論制度化方面進行實驗,並招募網路資訊支持和資訊安全人才。
- 中國關注到美國資訊支援系統的變革,試圖趕上。
- 俄羅斯戰場資訊支持能力的不足,導致其在俄烏戰爭中表現不如預期。
- 中國發現了自身系統的侷限性。
- 習近平重新開始關注解放軍,並在 2027 年前為高端作戰行動做好準備。
- 資訊支援部隊可以進一步整合聯合作戰能力,增強對摧毀敵方系統的信心。
- 此次改革也賦予信息支援部隊更高的軍事官僚地位,擁有更多資源,地位僅低於戰區司令部,但受聯合參謀部和戰區司令部指揮。
- 信息支援部隊的領導層多由擁有聯合訓練經驗、資訊系統知識和兩岸情況的軍官組成。
- 信息支援部隊的成立代表中國軍事官僚機構密切關注趨勢,願意在關鍵時刻進行組織改革。
- 信息支援部隊的成立代表中國軍事官僚機構密切關注趨勢,願意在關鍵時刻進行組織改革。
- 關鍵的不確定因素:
- 能否提升各軍種之間的相互操作性。
- 能否有效支援最前線平台。
- 能否追上美國技術進步的速度。
- 美國能否提升嚇阻能力。
Xi reorganized the PLA Strategic Support Force into the Information Support Force to enhance the PLA's ability to conduct multi-domain joint operations, especially in a cross-strait conflict scenario.
Information Support
Information Support
- Chinese military doctrine long advocated that the ability to destroy the opponent's systems and protect its systems would determine the outcome of high-intensity wars. Therefore, it is crucial to build an able information support system that ensures effective wartime communication and protection against adversarial cyber and electronic warfare attacks.
- China's effort started in the 2010s, outlined in its military textbooks, debated in the Party Congress, experimented with doctrinal institutionalization, and recruited talents for network information support and information security.
Reasons for Reform
- China paid attention to the improvements in the US information support systems and sought to match them.
- Russia's weaknesses in battlefield information support caused its meager performance in the Russo-Ukraine War.
- China found limitations in its systems.
- Xi's renewed interest in preparing the PLA for high-end combat operations by 2027.
System Improvements
- The Information Support Force could further integrate joint combat capabilities and boost confidence in pursuing systems destruction warfare.
- The reform also gives the Information Support Force a higher position in the Chinese military bureaucracy, only below the theater commands, giving it more resources but under the command of the Joint Staff Department and theater commanders.
- Military officers with experience in joint training, knowledge of information systems, and cross-strait situations make up the leadership of the Information Support Force.
The Future
- The creation of the Information Support Force suggests that the Chinese military bureaucracy is keen on observing the trends and willing to update its organization when it is needed.
- If the Information Support Force succeeds in its missions, China could compete more effectively in systems destruction warfare and instill confidence in joint operation warfare against its adversaries.
- The key uncertainties:
- Ability to enhance interoperability of its service branches.
- The effectiveness in supporting the end users.
- Whether China could keep up the pace with the US technological advances.
- Whether the US could improve its deterrence capabilities.