作者/Author(s): Anton Moiseinko
網站來源/Source: Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies
日期/Date: 05/22/2024
關鍵字/Keywords: 制裁、經濟、法律
- 歐盟制裁需要一定標準,可能是依據對方的「身份」或「特定活動」。
- 一旦政府決定根據標準制裁某人,法院就會開始評估此人是否符合描述,但不會評估制裁決定的原因、邏輯或合理性。
- 雖然很多人認為這會稍微有點不公平,但是與制裁對象關係密切的人也可能受到制裁,以防止制裁對象逃避相關措施。
- 雖然被制裁者可以挑戰該決定是否公平,但他們還是有機率會被不同的理由重新被列入制裁名單。
- 在普通法系法庭上,一般人很難對制裁提出質疑,因為政府擁有實施制裁的廣泛權力,而受制裁者必須證明政府有明顯錯誤才能推翻制裁。因此,不要以為寡頭可以在制裁訴訟中能夠輕鬆推翻政府。
- 然而,一旦歐盟法院決定對歐盟的制裁決定進行全面審查,它就很容易被推翻,甚至會導致歐盟政府在大量制裁案件中敗訴。不過,歐盟可以以不同的理由重新列出制裁措施或調整目標。
- 鑑於上述情況,寡頭想要向歐盟法院提出撤銷制裁的想法絕對不切實際,不過他們也不是要在法庭上勝訴,而是要說服政府在制裁名單到期後將其從名單中刪除。
The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) nullified EU sanctions on two Russian oligarchs in April 2024, drawing criticisms. However, the annulment is for the time between 2022-2023, while new sanctions on them imposed in 2023 remain. This situation gave an insight into the workings of EU sanctions, where they are adopted on a yearly basis and subjected to review and change from time to time.
- The EU sanctions are based on designation criteria such as "status-based sanctions" or "activity-based sanctions."'
- Once a government decides to sanction a person based on the criteria, the court would need to evaluate whether the person fits the description but not the logic or rationality of the decision.
- A person with close ties with a target could also be sanctioned to prevent sanctions evasion despite concerns of unfair treatment.
- Although a sanctioned person may successfully challenge the sanctions decision, they could be re-listed under different justifications.
- It is difficult to challenge sanctions in courts that practice common law because governments have broad powers to impose sanctions and a person must prove the government's designation is obviously incorrect to rebuke the sanction. Therefore, it is wrong to assume oligarchs could easily outmaneuver governments in sanctions litigations.
- However, once the CJEU decides to conduct full reviews of EU sanctions decisions, it could be easily overruled, resulting in a large number of sanctions lost by the EU government. However, the EU could relist or adjust the target under different justifications.
- Given the conditions above, it is impractical to challenge a sanction decision in the EU court. However, the main rationale is not to win the court case but to convince the government to remove them from the sanctions list after the current one expires.