作者/Author(s): Tom Moerenhout
網站來源/Source: Foreign Policy
日期/Date: 05/16/2024
關鍵字/Keywords: 經濟、貿易
- 自1990年代以來,美國將低價值製造業外包給其他國家,專注於供應鏈的高價值部分。然而,美國犯了一個錯誤,他們認為中國不會從製造業進步到創新領域。
- 當西方國家在能源轉型手段上陷入政治分歧時,中國已經優先發展電動車技術,通過一帶一路倡議獲取製造電動車的原材料,成功創造出新的清潔能源產品。
- 美國企業的本土清潔能源創新過程失敗了,其中更有一些公司被中國收購。因此中國不僅控制了關鍵的供應鏈,還主導了創新能力。
- 美國在實現清潔能源供應鏈多樣化過程中面臨不少挑戰:
- 中國過剩的產能使其能夠控制價格和市場。
- 美國政府無法承諾向當地企業提供持續資金支持,現在又面臨川普可能重返總統寶座的情況。
- 投資者害怕高風險、高利率、複雜的行政程序以及電池商品價格不穩定,對資助美國項目並不樂觀。
- 美國可以考慮採取以下政策來提高競爭力:
- 為電池產業中游設置價格底線,以支持私營部門和多元化努力。
- 根據生產方式調整市場准入和定價機制。
- 實施強制性目標和任務,以推動清潔能源產業。
- 改革公共採購和就業政策。
- 加強與國際夥伴合作,實現供應鏈多元化,防止中國利用其供應鏈主導地位。
The US repeatedly accused China of violating trade rules by undermining the competitiveness of other actors and forcing intellectual property transfer. The US did not file any complaints with the WTO, but China did so for the US electronic vehicle subsidies, which were against WTO rules. China outcompetes the US in batteries and electric vehicle quality and technologies, making the US tariffs more of a whine. Instead of complaining, the US should accept the facts, study its failures, and revise its policies to prevent imposing the cost of tariffs on final consumers and hampering energy transition.
- Since the 1990s, the US outsourced lower-value manufacturing to other countries and concentrated on high-value segments of the supply chain. However, the US made a mistake when it assumed China would not advance from manufacturing into innovation.
- While the West was stuck in political disagreements on the means of energy transition, China prioritized electronic vehicle technologies, secured raw materials for electronic vehicle manufacturing through the BRI, and innovated new clean energy products.
- US firms failed in attempts to produce indigenous clean energy innovation, and some were absorbed by China. As such, China not only controls the critical supply chain, it also dominates innovation.
- The US faced several challenges in diversifying its clean energy supply chains:
- China's overcapacity allowed it to control the price and the market.
- The US government cannot promise consistent financial support to local firms, especially with the possibility of Trump's return as president.
- Investors were not optimistic about funding US projects due to the high risk, high interest rates, complex bureaucratic processes, and the volatility of the battery commodity price.
- The US could consider the following policies to boost competitiveness:
- Price floors for the battery midstream to support private sectors and diversification efforts.
- Adjust market access and pricing mechanisms in line with production methods.
- Implement mandates and targets to boost the clean energy industry.
- Reform public procurement and employment policies.
- Increase engagement with international partners to diversify supply chains and prevent China from leveraging its supply chain dominance.