作者/Author(s): H.A. Hellyer
網站來源/Source: Foreign Policy
日期/Date: 05/10/2024
關鍵字/Keywords: 外交、國際規則
- 西方支持烏克蘭是因為他們認為俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭違反了基於規則的國際秩序。
- 然而,部分國家認為西方在2003年美國入侵伊拉克及以色列加薩走廊軍事行動的態度很虛偽。
- 作者在東南亞的一次演講中指出,加薩走廊持續的衝突正在損害國際社會基於規則的秩序,他對現場一些觀眾支持他的觀點感到驚訝。其他觀眾還補充說,基於規則的秩序惡化是一種國家安全風險。
- 公眾認為以色列-哈馬斯衝突並不是純粹的軍事衝突,以色列在其行動中誇大了對平民的殘暴行為,故意藐視國際法。因此以色列就是俄羅斯,而加薩則是烏克蘭,這很諷刺,因為以色列是西方陣營的一分子。
- 這件事情證據確鑿,連最親密的盟友也提供了證據,但美國作為基於規則的秩序保護者,卻否認以色列的錯誤行為,並為以色列在加薩的暴力行動辯護。美國政府也未能始終如一地執行禁止「萊希法」,讓侵犯人權的外國行為者無法獲得美國政府資金,這引起政治菁英們的抗議。
- 此外,隨著局勢惡化,美國在聯合國投票反對或否決任何關於加薩停火的決議。
- 美國和其他大國在以色列明顯違反國際法的情況下仍然為其辯護並支持他,導致許多國家擔心基於規則的秩序會惡化,並越來越不信任該秩序。
- 國際法是國際體系的基石。為了防止國際秩序倒退,西方必須盡可能地維護國際法律規範。
The US rules-based order is the best international governance model despite being flawed. Many countries supported Ukraine instead of Russia when the Ukrainian Crisis happened due to beliefs in the order. However, the global south, especially in the Middle East, is not fond and distrustful of the rules-based order because they witnessed the West's hypocrisy in defending the order.
- The West stood behind Ukraine as they perceived Russia violated the universally important rules-based order when it invaded Ukraine.
- However, the West showed hypocrisy in two instances: the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 and the current Israeli military operations in Gaza.
- The author argued that the ongoing conflict in Gaza was hurting the rules-based order in a speech in Southeast Asia and was surprised that some audience supported his arguments. Some audience also added that the deterioration of the rules-based order is a national security risk.
- The public does not see the Israel-Hamas conflict as pure military conflict, instead, they feel that Israel is exaggerating its campaign by justifying brutality against civilians and deliberately flouting international law. As such, Israel is equivalent to Russia, while Gaza is Ukraine. It is ironic given that Israel is part of the Western-aligned power.
- Despite being presented with evidence, even from closest allies, the US, as the protector of the rules-based order, denied Israel's wrongdoings and justified Israel's violence during its operations in Gaza. The US government also failed to consistently apply the Leahy laws, which is the legislation prohibiting foreign actors that violate human rights from obtaining US government funds, drawing protests from policymakers.
- Further, in the United Nations, the US voted against or vetoed any resolutions of cease-fire in Gaza as the situation gets worse.
- As the US and some of the most powerful members of the rules-based order also defended and supported Israel despite significant violations of international laws, many countries are worried about the deterioration of the rules-based order and are getting distrustful of the order.
- International law is the cornerstone of the international system. Therefore, to prevent the regression of the international order, the West must uphold international legal norms as much as possible.