作者/Author(s): Eric Cooper
網站來源/Source: War on the Rocks
日期/Date: 04/16/2024
關鍵字/Keywords: 灰色地帶侵略、海巡
- 「聯合海上部隊」是多邊海上聯盟,通過嚇阻水域上的非法非國家行為者,促進安全、穩定和繁榮,保護以規則為基礎的國際秩序。各國均可自願參加這一夥伴關係,並可隨時調整規模。
- 美國在巴林王國設有聯合海上部隊,但在印太地區沒有。不過,美國海軍戰爭學院每年都會為來自印太地區的海軍和海岸警衛隊將領開設相關指揮官課程。
- 印太地區存在不少單獨的海上執法倡議,但缺乏共同的架構或組織。
- 專門的印太聯合海上部隊結構將以現有的教育計劃和倡議為基礎,改善國家之間協調綜合目標方面的能力,並吸引新的合作夥伴。它還能更有效地共享資訊和資源,以應對當前和未來的挑戰,打擊灰色地帶的侵略。
- 中國有可能會抗議在印太地區建立聯合海上部隊,認為這將加劇地區軍事化。因此,聯合海上部隊應該只保護維繫主權和法律的海上執法夥伴,而不是投射軍事力量的海軍。
- 除了執行國際規範和反擊中國的灰色地帶侵略,印太聯合海上部隊還可以解決其他非傳統安全問題,如非法捕魚、環境汙染、搜救或自然災害救援等。
The Chinese Coast Guard is more aggressive to coerce or intimidate civilian ships in the South China Sea. This attempt is a gray-zone tactic to extend Chinese national power and jurisdiction over disputed territory. The US should increase international coordination among coast guard and maritime law enforcement agencies to counter Chinese gray-zone aggression and reinforce international norms.
- Combined Maritime Forces are multilateral maritime coalitions that protect the rule-based international order by deterring illicit non-state actors on the waters and fostering security, stability, and prosperity. Participation in this partnership is voluntary and scalable for each nation.
- The US had Combined Maritime Forces in Bahrain but not in the Indo-Pacific. However, the US Naval War College conducts the annual Combined Force Maritime Component Commander course for navy and Coast Guard admirals from the Indo-Pacific.
- There are individual law enforcement initiatives in the Indo-Pacific, but they lack a common framework or centralized organization.
- A dedicated Indo-Pacific Combined Maritime Forces structure would build on existing education programs and individual initiatives to improve inter-state coordination on comprehensive objectives and attract new partners. It also allows more efficient information and resource sharing to address current and future challenges and counter gray-zone aggression.
- China would protest the creation of Combined Maritime Forces in the Indo-Pacific due to the prospect of increased militarization in the region. Therefore, the Combined Maritime Forces should only include maritime law enforcement partners that focus on protecting sovereignty and law, not naval defense forces that project military power.
- Apart from enforcing international norms and countering Chinese gray-zone aggression, the Indo-Pacific Combined Maritime Forces could resolve other non-traditional security issues such as illegal fishing, environmental pollution, search and rescue, or natural disaster relief.