作者/Author(s): The Economist
網站來源/Source: The Economist
日期/Date: 04/03/2024
關鍵字/Keywords: 經濟
- 盈利下降導致外國企業對中國經濟持悲觀態度。
- 北京政府和中國共產黨希望能解決這些問題。他們承諾放鬆對中國的資本管制,並繼續改革中國經濟。北北京政府還推出了吸引外國投資的政策,特別關注知識產權保護和放寬跨境數據流動。
- 雖然習近平急於吸引外國企業回流,但這與其它國家目標和政策相矛盾。
- 中國雖然看似放寬了一些限制,但修訂後的新法措辭模糊,安全機構和執法人員對中國公民和外國人的管轄權更加廣泛。
- 北京政府還授權本地菁英企業與外國企業競爭,供過於求推動商品價格下跌。這對外國進口商來說是好事,但對中國市場中的外國企業來說卻是禍事,它們被迫降低價格,才能保持與中國本土企業的競爭力。
- 中國也將國家安全與民族自尊混為一談,半迫使當地居民購買中國產品,排擠西方產品。
- 部分外國企業選擇繼續在中國經營,透過增強競爭優勢來檢驗自己的應變能力。然而,也有一些外商對習近平的言論持懷疑態度,對中國的經濟發展沒有太多信心。
When the Chinese economy boomed, many foreign firms tried to enter the prosperous Chinese market. However, many are trying to withdraw from it.
- Foreign firms have a pessimistic outlook of the Chinese economy due to declining revenue.
- The Beijing government and the CCP are aware of the problems and want to solve them. They promised to ease capital control out of China and continue to reform the Chinese economy. The Beijing government also introduced policies to attract foreign investment, especially in intellectual property protection and easing cross-border data flow.
- Although Xi is eager to lure back foreign businesses, it contradicts its other national goals and policies.
- China seemed to ease some restrictions, but the vague wordings in the revised legislation give security agencies and law enforcers broader jurisdiction over Chinese citizens and foreigners alike.
- The Beijing government also empowers local champions to compete with foreign businesses, creating oversupply and driving commodity prices down. It is a boon for foreign importers but a bane for foreign firms in the Chinese market because they were forced to reduce their prices to remain competitive with domestic firms.
- China also mixes national security and pride to compel local buyers to buy Chinese products over Western ones.
- Some foreign businesses opt to continue operating in China to test their resilience by sharpening their competitive edge. However, some remain skeptical of Xi's words and do not have much confidence, which may damage the Chinese economy further.