作者/Author(s): Mark Leonard
網站來源/Source: Foreign Affairs
日期/Date: 01/08/2024
關鍵字/Keywords: 國際秩序
- 為了不要得罪人,北京對俄烏戰爭的態度模糊,反應模棱兩可。然而中國多次發表相互矛盾的聲明,破壞了他們長期的努力。
- 然而,在以色列-哈馬斯衝突中,北京迅速、清晰地回應,大力譴責以色列、美國的雙重標準,呼籲停火,並支持兩國解決方案。
- 研究人員發現,中共在其官方和非官方渠道中支持反以色列和反猶太主義的觀點,這與全球南方國家的多數派言論遙相呼應。
- 中國與全球南方國家結盟,將自己視為美國替代者,反對美國好戰、霸權和虛偽的一面,提供全球南方國家更多的替代夥伴選擇。
- 美國對以色列的支持,加劇了阿拉伯世界對美國的不信任,目前全球南方國家的輿論更傾向於中國。
- 中國在輿論上與全球南方國家保持一致,這是為了在這些國家中取得影響力的關鍵戰略。
- 中國已經開始打造新的無秩序世界,大力批評美國拒絕譴責以色列的暴力或侵犯人權行為是一種虛偽作法。
- 雖然金磚國家峰會並未提供解決衝突的實際方案,但該組織是除了西方組織外的另一個替代選擇。
- 中國相對缺乏條約盟友,因此它能夠根據問題和國家利益挑選合作夥伴。
- 中國並不是要建立一個反西方的聯盟,而是要在一個四分五裂的世界中成為不結盟國家的擁護者,並成為各國想要發展和合作的重要夥伴。
- 中國也成為許多國家基礎設施投資和經濟合作的首選合作夥伴。
China is trying to present itself as the leader of the alternate international order: a world without order that respects each country's sovereignty and political autonomy without any foreign (Western) interference. In the Israel-Hamas conflict, China aligned its views to reflect the majority public opinion and embrace the global anger that bedevils the West.
Learning from Failure
Learning from Failure
- Beijing's reaction to the Russo-Ukraine War is ambiguous to avoid displeasing anyone, but it issued conflicting statements, making its effort clumsy.
- However, in the Israel-Hamas conflict, Beijing responded sharply, clearly, and rapidly to voice its opposition against Israel, condemn the US's double standards, call for a ceasefire, and support the two-state solution.
- Researchers found that the CCP is endorsing anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic views in its official and unofficial channels, echoing the majority narratives in the global South.
- By aligning itself with the global South, China presents itself as an alternative to the warmongering, hegemonic, and hypocritical US. It also gives global South countries a choice for an alternative partner.
Winning the Public Opinion
- US's support for Israel exacerbates the Arab world's distrust of the US, and public opinion among global South countries now prefers China over the US.
- China's public opinion alignment with the global South is a strategy to win influence among the countries.
- China has already started to live in a disordered world and criticizes the US's hypocrisy in refusing to condemn Israel over violence or human rights violations.
- Although the BRICS summit does not provide practical solutions to end conflicts, it presents the grouping as an attractive alternative to Western organizations.
- China's relative lack of treaty allies allows it to pick and choose its partners depending on the issue and national interest.
- China is not trying to create an anti-Western alliance but is presenting itself as a champion for non-aligned countries in a fragmented world and a partner for development and sovereignty.
- China has also become a preferred partner for infrastructure investments and an economic partner in many countries.