作者/Author(s): Alena Popova
網站來源/Source: Foreign Affairs
日期/Date: November 3, 2023
關鍵字/Keywords: Sanctions, Technology
- 蘇聯解體後,俄羅斯引進並吸收了西方技術,因為相較於中國技術,西方技術更為優越,而莫斯科的國內選擇有限。
- 西方科技公司非常願意,而且也熱衷於向克里姆林宮出售產品,甚至主導了俄羅斯的科技領域。
- 此外,西方科技公司對俄羅斯政治漠不關心,並不在意克里姆林宮利用其技術來破壞公民自由,甚至順從克里姆林宮的要求。
- 即使在 2014 年俄羅斯吞併克里米亞後,西方科技公司也因豐厚的利潤,不願離開俄羅斯。因此,克里姆林宮並沒有轉用其他技術。
- 2022 年俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭,西方技術公司面對制裁威脅、公眾批評和客戶反彈等因素,決定撤出俄羅斯,導致俄羅斯失去了獲取西方技術的途徑。
- 俄羅斯在尋求替代技術時遇到了障礙:
- 俄羅斯未能開發出自己的技術替代品。
- 俄羅斯缺乏財務和人力資源來建立一個具有競爭力的科技行業。
- 在國內沒有替代品的情況下,俄羅斯轉向了中國。然而,這種做法也面臨不少一些障礙。
Before the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Kremlin had good relations with Western technology companies. Under the pressure of Western sanctions, Western technology vendors withdrew from Russia, leaving Russia few options to sustain its technological needs. Although Russia has alternatives, the Kremlin still relies on Western technologies and obtains them through willing intermediaries. Therefore, Western governments must cooperate with private technology companies to ensure their product is not involved in the Kremlin's war expansion or suppressing domestic opposition.
Open for Business
Open for Business
- Russia imported and assimilated Western technology after the collapse of the Soviet Union because Western technologies were better than Chinese technologies, and Moscow had few domestic options.
- Western technology companies are willing and enthusiastic to sell their products to the Kremlin and even dominate Russia's technology sector.
- Further, Western tech firms are indifferent to Russian politics, unbothered that the Kremlin used their technologies to undermine civil liberties, and even complied with the Kremlin's requests.
- Even after the 2014 Russian Annexation of Crimea, Western tech companies are reluctant to leave Russia due to substantial profit. Therefore, the Kremlin did not switch to alternative technologies.
Cut Off
- Western technology firms withdrew from Russia due to the threat of sanctions, public criticism, and backlash from customers amid the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, effectively cutting Russia off access to Western technologies.
- Russia's pursuit of technology alternatives had obstacles:
- Russia failed to develop its technology substitutes.
- Russia lacks the financial and human resources to create a competitive technology sector.
- With no domestic alternative available, Russia turned to China. However, it has several barriers also.