作者/Author(s): Wang Jisi
網站來源/Source: Foreign Affairs
日期/Date: 11/23/2023
關鍵字/Keywords: US-China Relations, Strategic Competition
- 中美之間的競爭與冷戰類似,是兩個綜合實力超高的國家行為體在競爭。
- 此外,中美戰略競爭也圍繞著意識形態開展。美國將仲國視為與蘇聯一樣的社會主義意識形態對手。而中國認為美國的政治影響力直接威脅到其國內政治安全和中國共產黨的權威。
- 最後一個相似之處在於對國際影響力的競爭。美蘇冷戰是社會主義集團和民主集團之間的競爭。現在,以美國為首的西方發達國家正在與以中國為首的發展中國家對抗。
- 與蘇聯不同,中國對宣傳自己的意識形態或干涉他國政治信仰不感興趣。北京只希望分享其全球發展模式和文化,阻止中國的西化。
- 在冷戰期間,蘇聯幾乎沒有與美國進行貿易。相比之下,中國深度融入全球經濟,深刻影響著美國經濟。
The US-China relations fell into a new low since they normalized their relations in 1972, provoking thoughts of a new Cold War. While the current situation does resemble a Cold War, there are many different aspects. If Washington and Beijing manage their relationship properly, they can provide a more stable global order, or else, it may result in a situation worse than a Cold War. Therefore, the US and China must minimize their differences to make the world safer.
- The US-China competition mirrors a Cold War as a competition between two states with great comprehensive strengths surpassing any other single country.
- Further, the US-China strategic competition also revolves around ideology. The US views China as a socialist ideological rival like the Soviet Union. At the same time, China assumes the US's political influence directly threatens its domestic political security and CCP's authority.
- The last similarity is in the contest for international influence. The US-Soviet Cold War was a competition between the socialist and democratic blocs. Now, the US-led Western developed world is going against the developing global south with China as a champion.
The Differences
- Unlike the Soviet Union, China is uninterested in promoting its ideology or intervening in other countries' political beliefs. Beijing only hopes to share its global development model and culture to stop Westernization in China.
- The Soviet Union barely traded with the US during the Cold War. In contrast, China is deeply integrated into the global economy and profoundly influences the US economy.