The Economist: 中國在亞洲的巨額投資未能為其買到軟實力

作者/Author(s): Banyan
原文來源/Source: The Economist
日期/Date: 04/05/2023
主題/Key Topics : BRI, Economic, Soft Power
北京政府將 「一帶一路」譽為21世紀大工程,並且在全球大約約150個國家進行基礎設施投資。但西方國家,甚至是接受一帶一路援助國家的政策制定者都批評一帶一路會帶來腐敗、環境污染和破壞國內政治穩定。雖然一帶一路證明了中國強大的經濟影響力,但它未能促進良好的治理和國家穩定。
The Beijing government hailed the BRI as the project of the century, with infrastructure investment in around 150 countries worldwide. Yet, the West and even policymakers in recipient countries criticized the BRI for encouraging corruption, environmental pollution, and destabilizing domestic politics. While BRI proved China's strong economic influence, it failed to promote good governance and national stability.
The Jakarta-Bandung high-speed rail project is an example of criticism of BRI. Chinese companies got the project by offering no Indonesian government guarantee needed and cheaper project financing compared to tougher terms proposed by Japanese companies. However, the project fell behind schedule and exceeded the budget, along with other controversies.
Indonesian companies owned most of the project with a highly concessional loan from the Chinese Development Bank, which China used to rebuke the "debt-trap" accusation. Yet, China spent $240 billion to bail out some countries, mostly BRI recipients, most evident with the surrender of Hambantota Port by Sri Lanka to a Chinese company. It also dealt a big blow to Sri Lanka's national pride.
Undoubtedly, China is the most influential strategic power in South East Asia, but many are concerned with its rise. China must show a good and realistic image of the BRI to secure win-win economic diplomacy.
The Jakarta-Bandung high-speed rail project is an example of criticism of BRI. Chinese companies got the project by offering no Indonesian government guarantee needed and cheaper project financing compared to tougher terms proposed by Japanese companies. However, the project fell behind schedule and exceeded the budget, along with other controversies.
Indonesian companies owned most of the project with a highly concessional loan from the Chinese Development Bank, which China used to rebuke the "debt-trap" accusation. Yet, China spent $240 billion to bail out some countries, mostly BRI recipients, most evident with the surrender of Hambantota Port by Sri Lanka to a Chinese company. It also dealt a big blow to Sri Lanka's national pride.
Undoubtedly, China is the most influential strategic power in South East Asia, but many are concerned with its rise. China must show a good and realistic image of the BRI to secure win-win economic diplomacy.