FP: 6 Wrong Lessons for Taiwan from the War in Ukraine


作者/Author(s): Franz-Stefan Gady
原文來源/Source: Foreign Policy
日期/Date: 11/02/2022
主題/Key Topics : Defense, Technology, Cyber-operations
- 現代化的武器裝備並沒有扭轉戰局。相反,訓練、創新的作戰行動概念和組織良好的戰爭計劃,才能夠有效整合各種系統的聯合兵種作戰。
- 防守方必須保持反擊能力,透過進攻收復失地。在聯合兵種行動中表現更好的人將更有可能取得成功。
- 現成的商業技術不會在大國戰爭中發揮重要作用,而科技公司只有在安全的情況下才能提供幫助。台灣和美國應該為未來的衝突採購正確的系統。
- 進攻性網路行動在現代戰爭中發揮著相當大的作用,新的軍事理論應考慮網路行動對軍隊的破壞性。
- 陸基火砲在戰爭中仍然發揮著重要作用,因為它們提供更好的保護和火力,但如果能與現代系統結合使用的話會更有效。
- 陸基火砲在戰爭中仍然發揮著重要作用,因為它們提供更好的保護和火力,但如果能與現代系統結合使用的話會更有效。
Security experts analyzed the Russo-Ukraine War to draw a defense strategy for Taiwan to prevent a military conflict across the Taiwan Strait. There have been many lessons from various sources, and this article explores the fundamental lessons that Taiwan should note.
- Modern weaponry did not turn the tide of the war. Instead, training, innovative combat operation concepts, and a well-organized war plan allow combined arms operations that integrate various systems effectively.
- The defensive side must maintain the offensive capability for counterattacks and regain lost territories. The actor that performs better in combined arms operations will be more likely to succeed.
- Readily available commercial technology will not play a significant role in a great-power war, and tech companies can only assist when located in safe countries. Taiwan and the US should procure the correct systems for future conflicts.
- Offensive cyber operations play a considerable role in modern war, and new military doctrines should consider the disruptive nature of cyber operations on the military.
- Ground-based artillery still plays a significant role in a war because they offer better protection and firepower, but it can be more effective when combined with modern systems.
- NATO training or command philosophy is not superior to Russian or Chinese military thinking. Instead, military planners must scrutinize the Ukrainian war objectively and relentlessly.