作者/Author(s): Yiyao Alex Fan and Bonnie S. Glaser
網站來源/Source: German Marshall Fund
日期/Date: August 2024
關鍵字/Keywords: 統一台灣, 政治
- 中國學者一致認為,台灣的「一國兩制」必須有別於香港和澳門的體制,因為統一的原因和問題有所不同。
- 有學者建議,北京應賦予台灣更多權利與自由。
- 也有學者提出,只要台灣同意統一,北京可以保留台灣現有的政治制度。
- 另一些學者則傾向於更具創意的安排,因為台灣不太可能接受作為北京下屬的地方政府地位。
- 學者們一致認為,台灣的統一應以和平方式進行,而北京應保留使用武力作為最後手段,但並未設定統一的具體時間表。
- 此外,學者們還對「一國兩制」下的「中國」含義展開了討論。
- 保守派主張,根據現行《中華人民共和國憲法》,中華人民共和國是中央政府,台灣則被降為特別行政區。
- 進步派則提倡對「中國」的定義應更加靈活、開放且包容,但仍堅持台灣屬於中國的主權範圍,從而模糊了統一後中國的政治體制。
Xi acknowledged the flaws of the "One Country, Two Systems (1C2S)" for unifying Taiwan with the mainland, ordering experts to redesign and implement a new version of 1C2S for Taiwan. In his 2019 speech, Xi assured the Taiwanese social system, lifestyle, and interests will be respected and protected. Yet, in a 2022 white paper related to Taiwan's unification with the mainland, Xi promised the Taiwanese a high degree of autonomy as a special administrative region (SAR) but did not specify the context. Previous white papers had specific pledges, such as allowing Taiwan to keep its military, but it was notably absent from the 2022 one. Therefore, this article examines the book "A Preliminary Discussion on the One Country, Two Systems Taiwan Plan," a compilation of academic articles published in China Review between 2019 and 2023 to understand the characteristics, action plan, and implications of the new 1C2S.
Defining the Taiwan 1C2S:
- Chinese scholars agreed that the Taiwan 1C2S must be distinct from the Hong Kong and Macau systems because the causes and issues for reunification are different.
- Some suggested that Beijing should give more rights and freedom to the Taiwanese.
- Some proposed that Beijing maintain the current Taiwanese political system as long as it agreed to reunify.
- Some favor a more creative arrangement because the Taiwanese will unlikely accept a status as a local authority under Beijing.
- The scholars agreed that Taiwan's reunification should be peaceful and Beijing should retain the use of force as a last resort but did not set a timeline for unification.
- Scholars also argued about the meaning of "China" in the Taiwan 1C2S.
- Conservatives maintain that the PRC is the central government and Taiwan is relegated to a SAR, adhering to the current PRC's constitution.
- Progressives advocated for a more flexible, open, and inclusive definition of China but upheld that Taiwan falls under China's sovereignty, thus blurring the political system of a unified China.