作者/Author(s): Jason Vogt, Nina Kollars, and Michael Poznansky
網站來源/Source: War on the Rocks
日期/Date: 05/15/2024
關鍵字/Keywords: 資訊戰
- 澤倫斯基的資訊戰需要一個能夠引起全球共鳴的有力訊息,以及讓不同媒體把訊息傳到全世界的能力。為此他強調了烏克蘭誓死守衛家園的決心,並將衝突塑造成民主與專制政權的對抗。
- 台灣從澤倫斯基的戰略中汲取了經驗,正在加速準備。台灣領導人將烏克蘭的困境與台灣的處境相結合,推動數位部門增強台灣數位通訊的韌性,開發更多備用方案。
- 北京政府也在從俄烏戰爭中尋找合適的經驗教訓,特別側重俄羅斯資訊戰不足之處。中國在其軍事理論中優先考慮資訊主導地位,並在兩岸衝突中使用資訊戰,同時攻擊台灣的數位通訊基礎設施來阻止台灣反向實施資訊戰。
Information campaign is one of the main lessons that Taiwan could learn from Zelensky in the Russo-Ukraine War. Zelensky's resolution in defending Ukraine not only motivated locals but also garnered international support for his cause. The key to Zelensky's success lies in the ability to maintain communications among the government, the public, and the rest of the world, which Taiwan could emulate in case of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. Although Taiwan and Ukraine share certain features, they differ in geography and political conditions. If Taiwan wants to follow Zelensky's playbook, it must reinforce its basic infrastructure and convince potential allies of the significance of protecting Taiwan.
The Zelensky Playbook
The Zelensky Playbook
- Zelensky's information campaign needs a compelling message that echoes with global audiences and the technical capabilities to deliver it worldwide over different media. Zelensky emphasized Ukraine's resolve to fight and shape the conflict as a contest between a democracy and an autocratic regime.
- Taiwan derived lessons from Zelensky's playbook and is preparing thoroughly. Taiwanese leaders had linked the similarity between Ukraine's plight with Taiwan's circumstances. Further, Taiwan's digital ministry is enhancing Taiwan's digital telecommunications resilience and exploring backups.
- The Beijing government is also looking for suitable lessons from the Russo-Ukraine War, especially in Russia's information campaign shortcomings. PRC would prioritize information dominance in its military doctrine and maintain its dominance throughout the conflict with Taiwan. PRC would also deny Taiwan's information campaign by attacking Taiwanese digital communications infrastructures.