作者/Author(s): Jude Blanchette
網站來源/Source: Foreign Affairs
日期/Date: 08/13/2024
關鍵字/Keywords: 外交、經濟
- 俄烏衝突初期,學者們認為此衝突對國際秩序有重大影響。習近平將這場衝突視為挑戰美國在地緣政治、技術和全球經濟領導地位的機會。
- 然而,中國學者在看到西方國家很快就選擇懲罰俄羅斯、支持烏克蘭後,開始擔心衝突會削弱中國在新時代中謹慎前行的能力。
- 部分學者認為美國在國際金融體系中仍擁有無可匹敵的優勢。因此他們建議中國在台海衝突情境下,得準備好承受美國經濟制裁的相應動作。
- 俄羅斯經濟和外交持續惡化,其國際影響力也隨之下降。作為中國重要戰略夥伴,專家非常擔心俄羅斯在戰後的國際地位不復往日。
When Russia invaded Ukraine, China was cautious in its narrative and refrained from direct support for Russia to preserve its diplomatic and economic relations with other nations and avoid being targeted by Western sanctions. China correctly bet that Western support for Ukraine would eventually dissipate, but China also suffered some reputational and economic costs for its obscure assistance to Putin. As a result, China's relations with many European countries had deteriorated. Chinese scholars closely monitored the Ukrainian Crisis to understand the consequences in case of a conflict with the US over Taiwan, but they are inconclusive of the possible outcomes. Although the Beijing government controls public discourse, Chinese academics could explore delicate issues, threading carefully between intellectual freedom and political loyalty. The experts gave divided opinions over the implications of the Russo-Ukraine War.
The Pessimists
The Pessimists
- When the war began, the experts argued that the war was consequential to the international order. Xi saw the conflict as an opportunity to challenge the US leadership in geopolitics, technology, and the global economy.
- However, Chinese scholars were worried the conflict would impair China's ability to navigate cautiously in this new age, especially after observing the West's swift response in punishing Russia and supporting Ukraine.
- Some observed the US still holds an unmatched superiority over the international financial system. Therefore, they recommended China defend itself against possible US economic sanctions in case of a Taiwan Strait conflict.
- Experts are concerned about Russia's position as a strategically important partner to China after the war, especially since the deterioration of its economy and diplomacy also degraded Moscow's international influence.