作者/Author(s): April A. Herlevi and Brioan Waidelich
網站來源/Source: War on the Rocks
日期/Date: 05/08/2024
關鍵字/Keywords: 地緣政治、海洋
- 中國對台灣的態度更加咄咄逼人。裴洛西訪台後,中國發射了繞台火箭彈,甚至射到了日本的專屬經濟區,增加了對台灣海峽中間線的海空入侵,並對台灣船只實施海上執法。
- 日本發布了多份戰略文件,將台灣安全與日本聯繫在一起,同時擴大防禦能力以遏制中國。
- 東協國家在南沙群島和西沙群島的主權主張與中國和日本部分重疊。部分東協國家透過部署軍事基礎設施來維護其對海洋陸地的主權。東協國家依靠多邊機制解決分歧。然而,這並沒有阻止中國在南海擴大其軍事足跡的行動,因此被批評為無效。
- 除了提高盟國的能力和增強海域意識外,美國還應批准「聯合國海洋法公約」,並支持其合作夥伴政策,以對抗中國的侵略。
- 中國批評美國及其親密盟友繼續保持冷戰思維。雖然緊張局勢的加劇可能會在無意中引發衝突升級,但這總比什麼都不做要好。美國與其盟友仍需要展示其保護以規則為基礎國際秩序的決心。
Although many states have similar interests in the seas, they have different approaches to dealing with China. The dispute between Japan and China in the East China Sea is mainly bilateral and has fluctuated between restraint and escalation. In the South China Seas, ASEAN countries handle the issue collectively, although some issues are bilateral or trilateral. The situation in Taiwan is more complicated because it is pivotal to other countries.
- China is more aggressive against Taiwan. China launched rockets circling Taiwan that even reached Japan's EEZ after Pelosi's visit to Taiwan, increased air and sea incursion over the Taiwan Strait median line, and exercised maritime enforcement against Taiwanese ships.
- Japan released several strategic documents that link Taiwan's security to Japan. As a result, Japan expanded its defense capabilities to deter China.
- ASEAN countries have overlapping claims in the Spratly Islands and Paracel Islands with China and Japan. Some ASEAN countries asserted their claims on the maritime land feature by deploying military infrastructure. ASEAN countries rely on multilateral mechanisms to settle their differences. However, it did not stop China from expanding its military footprints in the South China Sea and was criticized as ineffective.
- The US is not a claimant state in the seas but it has significant interests in the region. Apart from increasing allies' capacity and enhancing maritime domain awareness, the US should ratify the UNCLOS and support its partners' policies to counter Chinese aggression.
- China criticized the US and its close allies for continuing the Cold War mentality. Although heightening tensions may provoke inadvertent conflict escalations, it is better than doing nothing to show resolve in protecting the rules-based international order.