FP: 中國陷入習近平的侵略性外交中
When going hard backfires
The worse is yet to come
作者/Author(s): Kathy huang
原文來源/Source: Foreign Policy
日期/Date: 12/02/2022
主題/Key Topics : Diplomacy
- 戰狼外交,或「習外交」,是「習近平思想」中的中國外交政策框架,呼籲中國在全球事務中發揮更重要的作用。
- 中國官方媒體在國內媒體面前則並未過多提及「習外交」,這表明北京政府已意識到其表現平平的殘酷事實,但並不打算調整做法。
- 中國的外交政策是其國內政治目的的延伸,以表明對習近平及其思想的忠誠。
- 習近平的外交政策主要針對國內民眾,以民族復興的故事增強中國人對國家炫耀國力的信心,而這受到大眾的歡迎。
- 習近平徹底擺脫了胡錦濤提倡的軟實力。中國現在更希望通過純粹的權力和國際影響力而不是非強制手段來進行外交工作。但這會降低中國軟實力對他國的吸引力。
- 中國在駐立陶宛台灣代表處成立後,為了警告其他國家不要與北京的政治利益背道而馳,切斷其與立陶宛的雙邊貿易關係。但是這也對中歐關係造成損害。
- 中國對國際影響力的追求可以從其在中亞的優先權中看出,事實證明,「一帶一路」倡議在中亞比其他地區更成功。中國在中亞的成功也受到國際社會的矚目。
- 「習外交」的忠實擁護者—中國外交部長王毅在進入政治局後將接替楊潔篪在中央外事工作委員會辦公室的職位,這代表著中國的侵略外交政策將繼續並可能加劇。
- 中國的內部報告「內參」在習近平治下報導尺度持續緊縮,雖然目的是為了取悅習近平,但這也使他無法獲得批評性的回饋和建議,從而導致決策失誤。
- 當習近平面臨關鍵的國內問題時,其外交政策可能會失焦。他應該讓經驗豐富的外交官和專家制定和執行擁有中國優勢的外交政策。
China’s use of “wolf warrior diplomacy,” an aggressive foreign policy posture to stake China’s claim in various international issues, drew the international community's ire. After the 20th CCP National congress, Xi defended his approach and will redouble his efforts.
The Cult of “Xiplomacy”
The Cult of “Xiplomacy”
- Wolf warrior diplomacy, or Xiplomacy, was China’s foreign-policy framework within the “Xi Jinping thought,” hailing for a more significant role for China in global affairs.
- Domestically, Chinese state media did not mention much Xiplomacy, signaling that the government realizes the hard truth of its mediocre performance but does not intend to reorient its approach.
- Chinese foreign policy is an extension of its domestic agenda in showing allegiance to Xi and his agenda.
- Xi’s foreign policy was directed mainly to local audiences to boost Chinese confidence in the state’s ostentatious national strength with a national rejuvenation narrative and garnered popularity among the public.
When going hard backfires
- Xi Jinping drastically shifted away from Hu Jintao’s soft power. China now cared more about its ability to shape diplomatic decisions through sheer power and international influence than non-coercive means, downgrading Chinese soft power appeals.
- China cut bilateral trade relations with Lithuania after opening Taiwan's representative office in Vilnius to warn other countries not to misalign with Beijing’s political interests. However, it damages China-EU relations.
- China’s quest for international influence can be seen in its priority in Central Asia, where BRI proves more successful than other regions. China’s success in Central Asia was publicized to the public.
The worse is yet to come
- Wang Yi, the Chinese foreign minister and a devout follower of Xiplomacy, will replace Yang in the Central Foreign Affairs Commission after his ascension into the Politburo, indicating a continuation and possibility of intensification of China’s aggressive foreign policy.
- Neican (內參), China’s internal report, is censored under Xi to please him, blinding him from critical feedback and advice, thus can lead to poor decision-making.
- Xiplomacy may lose its focus, especially when Xi faces critical domestic issues. Xi should let experienced diplomats and experts formulate and enforce Chinese foreign policy that focuses on Chin’s strengths.