FP: 台灣正在與中東地區爭奪武器,而非與烏克蘭爭奪武器

作者:Jennifer Kavanagh and Jordan Cohen
來源:Foreign Policy
日期:May 11, 2023



  • 在烏克蘭危機之前,台灣的武器就已經有延遲交付的問題。烏克蘭獲得的是來自2023年國防授權法案的舊美國武器,而不是外國軍售向台灣出售的新武器。
  • 台灣在對外軍售中與中東地區的大買家競爭。這些國家已經獲得了台灣所需的大多數系統,並超過了提供給烏克蘭的系統。將一部分用於中東的生產能力轉移至台灣將增加台灣武器庫存。
  • 烏克蘭和台灣不需要相同的系統,而且有不同的戰場需求,重疊率很低。烏克蘭在陸地上用短程火炮和防空系統打消耗戰。台灣面臨著空中和海上的威脅,需要更多的遠程導彈和防空、防艦能力。
  • 隨著美國軍備庫存減少,台灣可能會和烏克蘭競爭新武器系統。但其數量很少,不會導致武器轉移給台灣受到延誤。
  • 雖然中東買家的安全也受到威脅,但他們的危險性不大,而且購買的系統與他們面臨的威脅並不匹配。此外,向中東轉讓武器助長了更大的衝突,甚至侵犯人權,而不是促成和平。


  • 重新安排對台武器轉讓的優先次序可以解決其短期需求。美國可以通過投資台灣的國防工業、合作生產和技術轉讓來幫助台灣管理中長期的需求,以促進其本土武器生產。
  • 台灣的本土國防工業在開發和生產防空系統和飛彈方面有很強的實力。投資台灣的國防工業可以增加台灣在中國封鎖或美國補給受阻的情況下重新武裝的復原力。

The US has a US$19 billion backlog of weapons delivery to Taiwan. This issue raised concerns because it shows the US defense industrial base is unprepared for a great power war and may not simultaneously deal with a threat from Russia in Ukraine and China in the Taiwan Strait. Taiwan is a key security interest for the US, but cutting aid to Ukraine will not solve the real problem. Instead, the US should redirect weapons transfer from the Middle East to Taiwan and invest in Taiwan for defense co-production.

Not Ukraine's Fault

  • Taiwan's weapons backlog happened before the Ukrainian crisis, and Ukraine received old US weapons from the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act, not foreign military sales that sell new weapons to Taiwan.
  • Taiwan has competed with large buyers in the Middle East in foreign military sales. These countries hauled up most systems Taiwan needs and exceeded those provisioned to Ukraine. Diverting some of the production capacity dedicated to the Middle East would have increased Taiwan's weapons stockpile.
  • Ukraine and Taiwan do not need the same systems and have different battlefield demands that rarely overlap. Ukraine is fighting a war of attrition on land with short-range artillery and air defenses. Taiwan faces air and maritime threats requiring more long-range missiles and anti-air and ship capabilities.
  • Taiwan may compete with Ukraine over new weapon systems as US stockpiles are depleting. However, the quantities are low and will not cause delays in weapons transfer to Taiwan.
  • Although Middle Eastern buyers have security concerns, their dangers are less acute, and the systems purchased are not well-matched to the threats they face. Further, arms transfer to the Middle East fueled greater conflict rather than brokering peace and resulted in human rights violations.

Investing in Taiwan's Defense Sector

  • Reprioritizing arms transfer to Taiwan can address its short-term needs. The US can help Taiwan manage medium- and long-term needs by investing in Taiwan's defense industry, co-production, and technology transfer to boost its indigenous weapons production.
  • Taiwan's indigenous defense industry has proven records in developing and producing air defense systems and missiles. Investing in Taiwan's defense industry can increase Taiwan's resilience to rearm in case of a Chinese blockade or US resupply is hindered.